As the Member for Geelong, I am proud of our strong commitment to Geelong schools which has been a major focus of the Andrews Labor Government.
We continue to deliver on our commitment by providing the best possible education for students at all levels.
Today’s students are our future; they are Geelong’s future leaders, so I want them to have every opportunity and a great learning experience.
Geelong High School recently opened the completed stages of the $22.7 million in upgrades, which includes the CA Love Hall with its new lighting, audio presentation systems, digital projector and kitchenette.
This upgrade also included the Kroger Building, which has been completely transformed with new classrooms, a library, a canteen and a wellbeing area, giving students a great environment to learn, create and relax in.
We have also officially opened the brand-new state-of-the-art $6.6 million Whittington Primary School.
This new school includes modern flexible classrooms, an art room, music room and gym, giving students the learning environment they deserve.
This school rebuild is a testament to the hard work of the school community in turning their vision for Whittington Primary School into a reality.
We will soon be officially opening the new facilities at Ashby Primary School, Newtown Primary School, Oberon Primary School and more.
Major upgrades will also begin at Newcomb Secondary College and Newcomb Park Primary school.
At Oberon South Primary School we recently announced that from term 1, 2021, students will be learning in a brand new $4.59 million building as part of the move to the Oberon High School site on Kidman Avenue giving students new first class education facilities.
I will continue my strong commitment to education in Geelong and continue to advocate on behalf of all students, including our future leaders.