Geelong East Primary School preps celebrate their first 100 days at school today, amid a year like no other.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the milestone for 2020 was just as big for the pupils as any year, prep teacher Erin Sheils said.
“They’re very excited about tomorrow, they’re counting down the hours,” she said yesterday.
“Even when they were doing remote learning, they were counting down the days.
“We look at things we couldn’t do on the first day of prep and all these fun things they can do now, like reading and writing.”
The preps, their parents and teachers had shown enormous resilience during a tough 2020, Erin said.
“It’s exciting to see how much the kids have achieved during remote learning and after returning to school.
“They’ve made us really proud.
“Although our workload has been more difficult this year with remote learning, seeing how far they have come makes it all worth it.”