Passenger injured
A passenger was injured when a bus “stopped suddenly” to avoid colliding with an unmarked police car turning into Geelong Police’s Mercer St station on Tuesday morning.
Police said the incident, which left the passenger with “non-life-threatening injuries”, remained under investigation when the Indy reached deadline on Thursday.
Jewellery heist
Burglars have allegedly stolen designer items including Georgini and Pandora jewellery from a house in Geelong’s Bellerine St, police have revealed.
Investigators posted images of missing items on social media this week, saying “assorted costume jewellery, a ring and a watch were also lost in the suspected burglary sometime between 10am and 5pm on 27 April.
Storages falling
The region’s water storages are nudging their lowest level in three years after losing nearly 570 million litres in the seven days to Wednesday, according to official measurements.
Barwon Water recorded a capacity level of 32.7 per this week, down 33 per cent on the same time last year.
Hotel rejected
Surf Coast councillors have rejected plans for a $60 million five-storey hotel overlooking the start of the Great Ocean Road from 2-4 Geelong Rd, Torquay.
The plan failed to win council support after 136 objections raised concerns including the proposed building height and the development’s traffic impacts.
Road closed
Authorities will close one of Victoria’s deadliest roads overnight on Sunday for improvements to its intersection with the Princes Fwy.
The work will be part of a multi-million upgrade of Geelong-Bacchus Marsh Rd, on which eight people have died and 50 have suffered serious injuries in 74 crashes over the past seven years.
Surf’s up
Several local competitors will enjoy a home-surf advantage when they vie for junior state titles at Jan Juc on the weekend, according to organisers.
Surfers including Jan Juc’s Cole Fox, Spencer Kay, Ange Ball and Angelique Kefalas would be in line to win championships in forecast “great waves” at the Victorian Junior Surfing Titles, the organisers said.
Car impounded
Police have impounded a turbocharged sports car after catching its driver at 41km/h over the limit in a 60 zone at Inverleigh.
The 48-year-old from the Mornington Peninsula also had his licence suspended and received a $604 fine for speeding in his Subaru WRX on Doherty’s Rd after dark, police said.
Reconciliation milestone
Geelong’s peak annual reconciliation event will celebrate its 10th anniversary next week.
Organisers said Reconciliation in the Park would mark its “significant milestone” with various free activities in Geelong’s Johnstone Park on 2 June.
Pair wanted
A man who allegedly made threats to kill and another wanted for drug charges are on the run somewhere in Geelong, according to police.
Investigators this week released images of 23-year-old Andrew Russell and Damien Piera, 27, with a call for public help to find both men as they evaded warrants for their arrest.