Former Sale of the Century co-host and long-time cricket mum Nicky Buckley will don teal next Saturday in a bid to hit ovarian cancer for six.
Buckley became an ambassador for Ovarian Cancer Australia after the disease took her mother Joan at age 67 more than a decade ago.
“It’s devastating when it’s your mum and all of a sudden you hear those dreadful words,” the Torquay local said.
Buckley will host Newtown and Chilwell Cricket Club’s Ladies Day on February 29 featuring cocktails, auctions and live music from former Australian Idol contestant Kim Cooper.
“I get to tell my story, which is all about raising awareness of the signs and symptoms,” she said.
“Someone might be there whose mum, sister or girlfriend has complained about those things and it might trigger them get it checked out.”
The event would raise money toward research and development of an early detection test, Buckley said.
“There’s no early detection test, so by the time you’ve detected it the odds are not good.”
Almost 1000 women die of ovarian cancer in Australia each year and three quarters diagnosed are already in an advanced stage, according Ovarian Cancer Australia.
With four brothers, Buckley grew up on cricket and later would take her sons to weekend games.
Her eldest, Cooper, was a wicketkeeper and “very good batsman” for the Two Blues, she said.
“I find it stressful watching them play some of the time but I still enjoy and appreciate the sport.”
For more information visit www.two-blues.com.au