A community information session is being held on Monday for people to learn more about the gas terminal proposed for Corio.
Viva Energy will run the session which focuses on the proposed gas terminal at its Corio refinery.
The terminal is at the centre of Viva Energy’s plan to transform its Geelong Refinery into a visionary energy hub to support Victoria’s evolving energy needs.
The focus of this meeting is safety and to give people an opportunity to ask questions.
A spokesperson for Viva Energy said safety was central to the company’s plans for a gas terminal in Geelong and south eastern Australia, to help avoid gas shortages within the next two years.
The information session will run between 12pm and 1pm on Zoom.
To register: energyhub@vivaenergy.com.au or they can go to: encoreglobal.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_z0MKbn6mQh2P77ApPkzhwA