Expert help for foot and leg pain

PAIN FREE: Expert advice is available for all foot and leg pain problems. 156174_01

Our feet are vital for mobility and balance, they are the basis of most of our physical activities, so it’s no wonder problems and pain are common.
Heel, arch, ankle and knee pain are most common in both children and adults and can become life-affecting or debilitating if left untreated.
But there is often a simple solution, if you get a correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
“People often endure foot and leg pain and concerns for far too long, often because they are misdiagnosed and so receive inappropriate treatment for their condition or because they simply don’t know who to go to for effective treatment. This is really concerning and unnecessary because most foot and leg conditions can be easily overcome, thanks to the latest medical research and treatments.” Dr David Kavanagh, Musculoskeletal Podiatrist from Foot and Leg Pain Clinics, said.
“While there are many doctors and health professionals available right across Victoria, one of the issues we all face is knowing who to go to for specific health problems, and this certainly seems to be a dilemma with many who suffer foot and leg pain, injuries or degenerative conditions like arthritis.
“At Foot and Leg Pain Clinics we see many people who’ve previously been to see other doctors or health practitioners without having found a long-term solution. This can be extremely frustrating for the sufferer and can lead to problems progressing further than they need to. If you suffer any foot, leg, knee or hip pain, regardless of age, you should always seek advice from an experienced Musculoskeletal Podiatrist, one who keeps up-to-date with the very latest research and treatments. Such practitioners have the appropriate training, knowledge and experience to assist your musculoskeletal concerns in the very best way possible,” Dr Kavanagh explained.
If you suffer from any foot, heel, ankle, knee or hip pain you can get expert advice from Dr Kavanagh at his Foot and Leg Pain Clinics in Belmont and Werribee.
For more information, call 1300 328 300.
Mention this article when booking and receive $50 off your initial consultation.