Learning for the future

Choosing nations and cultures to explore in year one.

With significant and rapid changes in industry, leadership and community and social structures, Geelong College focuses on relevant learning for a future that will be very different to life as we know it.
Research suggests that most students at school now will work in jobs that don’t currently exist, will live and work in three different countries and have six career changes.
To thrive, they will need to be good decision-makers, strong communicators, be able to think through major issues, to inquire and solve problems and be ready to show the world what they have to offer.
Learning for the future is an exciting prospect for principal Dr Peter Miller.
“There are so many opportunities for students and teachers to grow, explore and come up with and test new and exciting ideas to solve big problems in today’s school environment.
“At Geelong College we start with a foundation of curiosity and inquiry through our Reggio Emilia inspired Junior School from Early Learning to year three.
“Our youngest learners develop independence, curiosity, creativity and deep thinking skills through a range of projects and learning experiences designed by educators based on their interests and passions. This foundation of natural curiosity, good communication and a lifelong love of learning helps to sustain students through their schooling and beyond.”
It is this style of learning that the new College Vision for Learning, which identifies and integrates a series of capabilities into all learning experiences, projects and co-curricular opportunities, aims to capture.
“We believe that identity, creativity, thinking, communicating, contributing, creating and enterprise are the capabilities young people need to develop to become independent and informed global citizens, and that these must underpin a broad range of learning experiences so that students learn how to learn and are inspired to keep learning throughout their lives,” Dr Miller concluded.
Explore the world through the college’s eyes at its open days on Wednesday 9 March, Wednesday 4 May, Wednesday 10 August or Wednesday 19 October.
Visit geelongcollege.vic.edu.au.