For surfers of all ages

The surfing museum in Torquay is a must-see for all ages. 151966_01

Come and discover the many attractions of the absolutely unique experience of riding waves at the Australian National Surfing Museum in Torquay – the world’s largest surfing and beach culture museum.
A visit offers the chance to immerse yourself in surf and beach culture without getting wet or sandy, taking you back through more than a century of history of one of Australia’s most popular pastimes and its significant characters, events and milestones.
Featuring informative themed exhibition spaces, stunning photographs, breathtaking action footage, an astonishing collection of surfboards, plus displays of vintage surf clothing, wetsuits, movie posters, books and competition trophies, the museum traces the growth and development of the amazing activity that is riding waves.
Find out about this country’s heroes and legends in the Australian Surfing Hall Of Fame, which celebrates the significant contributions and sporting achievements of Australia’s pioneering figures and surfing champions.
Relax in the theatre and enjoy spectacular footage of surfing action and adventure while you are surrounded by vintage surf memorabilia.
Trace the development of the surfboard over the past century along the boardwalk as a breaking wave looms overhead.
Explore the many elements that go to make up surf culture – art, clothes, movies, and music, and walk through the ultimate surf mobile, the VW kombi van.
Whether you are eight or 88, at the Australian National Surfing Museum you will encounter a groundswell of history and discover how awesome and inspirational surfing can be.
The museum is located at 77 Beach Road, Torquay and is open from 9am to 5pm, seven days a week.
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