Technology delivers the inside picture

Barwon Heatlh professionals using the new imaging technology.

Barwon Health recently completed the final installation of low dose digital radiography (DR) across all of its Barwon Medical Imaging (BMI) sites.
“Barwon Health is now one of the few health services in Australia to deliver a comprehensive high quality and ultra-low radiation DR x-ray and CT imaging service, which is available across all our medical imaging sites for hospital patients and the wider community,” BMI director Associate Professor Andrew Whan says.
“These latest upgrades, including CT low radiation dose software, place Barwon Health at the forefront of providing ultra-low radiation medical imaging services, ensuring our patients receive the right diagnosis with significantly less radiation.”
DR X-ray benefits include higher image quality, significantly less radiation (up to 50 per cent dose reduction) and a faster, more efficient service for the community.
High dependency areas at University Hospital Geelong such as the Intensive Care Unit, Special Care
Nursery, Emergency Department and Operating Theatres will all especially benefit from the availability of instant high quality, low dose X-ray images.
“With the recent installation of a new low-dose CT at BMI McKellar North Geelong, we now have the
flexibility to offer same day CT to the community and encourage the community to contact us to discuss
their suitability for same day imaging. Walk-in x-ray services are available at all BMI locations,” BMI
operations manager Jeff Umbers says.
All Medicare reimbursable imaging is bulk-billed at BMI, providing equitable access to state-of-the art
imaging across four locations in the region.