Highton’s Nick Sady has won a Gold Coast holiday courtesy of the Geelong Indy.
Nick’s name was drawn last week from hundreds of entries in the competition, conducted at geelongindy.com.au.
Indy sales manager Tim Debenham presented Nick with his prize this week.
He won four nights’ accommodation for two from Queensland Gold Coast Holidays and a $500 voucher toward his flights, courtesy of Newcomb’s Sirocco Travel.
The Gold Coast holiday draw was the latest in a series of competitions, available on the Indy website and promoted through the paper and its Facebook page.
“Like us on Facebook and read the Indy each week so you don’t miss out on any of the competitions,” said Indy managing director Tony Galpin.
“We’ve got some great prizes coming up, so you’ll have plenty of chances to be a winner.”