Demand rises as young turn to food bank for help

STICKS UP: Volunteer Bill at Geelong Food Relief Centre. Picture: Reg Ryan 102575


DEMAND for Geelong Food Bank help has soared almost 20 per cent as more young people seek relief from the emergency aid centre.
The food bank said it redeemed 680 vouchers at its North Geelong headquarters last month, up more than 100 on the previous June.
Geelong Food Relief chairperson Lillian Van Baar said the vouchers provided for up to three people in a family, suggesting an additional 300 hungry mouths this June and as many as 2100 in total.
Ms Van Baar said she had noted more young people utilising the food bank but expressed concern the higher numbers might still present a picture lower than reality.
Agencies issuing vouchers could be under financial pressure and forced to tighten distribution, she suggested.
Problems accessing bus tickets under the new Myki system might also be limiting numbers coming to the food bank, Ms Van Baar said.
Ms Van Baar appealed for donations, especially non-perishable food and hygiene products.
“We get great support from the community,” Ms Van Laar said.
“We love to receive donations of food, non-perishables preferably. We like to focus too on the hygiene area – soaps, deodorants – especially if we’re encouraging people to find work.”
The food Bank, at 8 Freedman St, North Geelong, accepts donations between 9am and 3pm or by phoning 5278 6588.