Here’s the good oil: our olive groves in ‘bumper’ harvest

GOOD OIL: Max Breiland relaxes in his olive grove at Mannerim. Picture:REG RYAN 102533


LOCAL olive groves are enjoying a bumper harvest as Victoria heads for a record yield, producers say.
Australian Olive Association expects the state to produce a record 14.25 million litres of oil this season.
Most will come from groves on the banks of the Muray River but local growers are also pleased with their crops.
Max Brieland, who operates Mannerim’s Springfield Olive Grove, said a unique set of weather conditions had produced a crop with “very nice oil this year”.
“The combination of long sunny periods with quick bursts of rain produced a lot of fruit,” Mr Breiland said.
“People are now more aware of local production and they like to support that and know where the oil comes from and how it’s been treated.”
Renate Kint, of Drysdale’s Manzanillo, said the grove had a “bumper year” under perfect growing conditions.
“We had our table fruit trees fruiting as well as those for pressing and some trees gave up to 100 kilograms of fruit,” she said.
“We had so much that we didn’t pick it all but you have to remember this good year came after two seasons that weren’t fantastic.”
Joan McGovern, of Teesdale’s Camillo Olives, said this season’s harvest was in “stark contrast” to last year.
“It’s been pretty good, bigger and a lot better than last year and great quality oil. We’re very happy with what we’ve got.
“The oil yield was really good. We were getting 15 to 17 per cent from our varieties as opposed to eight per cent last season.”