Career help at hand

Is it time you trained for a new career? 151675_01

Looking for a new career?
For some people looking for a new career is not as simple as just dropping everything and starting fresh. You need to work your current job to pay the bills and you don’t want to do an online course because you can learn a lot from being around other people and having that personal interaction with your trainer.
At Diversitat Training we have you covered. We offer a large variety of night courses so that you can keep your day job while you work towards a new career, your dream occupation or even just something you always wanted to do.
Diversitat Training specialise in community services (including youth work, disability, alcohol and other drugs and mental health). We are also specialists in aged care and health courses and children’s services (including education support). Our qualifications are nationally recognised and delivered by trainers who are industry skilled.
Ultimately we are about quality training and education, making sure that you can reach your full potential and make your career goals a reality. That is why we offer free career advice so that you can sit down and discuss your future direction and how you can make it there. “We have a look at their future goals and map out how they can achieve their goals through training or upskilling,” Lisa Trevorrow, Diversitat training career adviser says. “Professional guidance allows our clients to realise pathways they may not have been aware of and gives a clearer understanding of where each level of qualification can take them”. You can book a career advice session simply by calling Diversitat Training or emailing us.
We also strive to make finding the right information easier and that’s why we are proud to announce that we will be releasing our brand new website very soon. The new website will make information easier to find and has a clean design to suit. You will be able to register for your career advice session or for your course, check the fee structure and make inquiries. Keep your browser open – it’s coming really soon!
Still thinking about that new career? Apply today for a night course, we still have some places left but you better hurry. Call Diversitat Training today on 5246 9600 or visit us at