‘Limits’ hurt river’s review

STATE Government departments are trying to limit the scope of a review into mass fish deaths in Anglesea River, according to a community group.
Anglesea River Support Action Group accused the departments of limiting the reviews terms of reference into the “environmental disaster”.
Group spokeperson Gary Bonner said the review lacked power to carry out an adequate investigation.
“It is the opinion of the Anglesea River Support Action Group and the community that government departments are trying to limit the terms of reference to this review,” he said.
The Independent reported earlier this month that Geelong scientist Frank Parsons had submitted evidence identifying Alcoa as responsible for the fish deaths.
Mr Bonner said the review should include a full investigation of pollutant sources and Mr Parsons’ data.
State Government had announced the review with clear terms of reference including Alcoa’s and Barwon Water’s nearby pumping of bore water and the role of fire management and licensed discharges into the river, Mr Bonner said.
But he believed Department of Sustainability and Environment and the EPA were taking a “narrow interpretation” of the terms of reference.
“We do not believe it is the Government’s intention to solely cover those concerns as interpreted by the department,” Mr Bonner said.
“We call on Minister for the Environment Ryan Smith to clarify these points and ensure an open and all inclusive review that addresses the concerns of the local community and all Victorians, as was raised and presented in our petition to parliament.
“It’s important that all submissions from the community can and will be accepted accordingly.”
Alcoa’s Brenda Foran said the company had made a submission to the review.