Learn, believe, achieve

Western Heights College offers flexible indoor and outdoor learning spaces as well as an array of educational opportunities.

Western Heights College is a coeducational secondary school backed by state-of-the-art facilities.

The college offers flexible indoor and outdoor learning spaces as well as an array of educational opportunities to empower students to strive for success and excellence in their educational, vocational and personal learning journeys.

New Principal Fiona Taylor and her leadership team have led the college for the past 11 months working towards a vision focused on learning growth, high expectations, holistic well-being, creativity and innovation.

“Finding an identity and articulating what it means to be a ‘Western Heights’ learner has been the key to the school community re-imagining its culture,” Ms Taylor said.

“There is a strong recognition that all learning depends on students having strong literacy and numeracy skills, so these are now being taught explicitly across the curriculum.

“Western Heights is the only school in Geelong and joins 40 other schools in Australia to offer the AVID Program (Advancement via Individual Determination Program) to students from Year 7 to Year 12.

“The college has also adopted a whole school reading program to strengthen its focus on literacy.”

Western Heights College offers a diverse range of subjects and innovative learning programs including VCE (plus accelerated VCE and university programs), VET and VET in schools programs, an extensive VCAL program, school-based apprenticeships and traineeships and work experience programs, STEM as well as robotics and drone studies.

“Western Heights College is the only government secondary school in Geelong offering Chinese – Mandarin as its language, as well as exceptional dance, music, theatre studies, technology, sport and art programs,” Ms Taylor said.

“The college has also re-invigorated its extensive camps and study tours program to include local and interstate year level camps and opportunities to travel as part of inaugural groups to Kokoda in November 2018 and China for the first time in 2019.

“The college is also actively involved in the School for Student Leadership program each year for Year 9 students at one of four unique campuses across the state of Victoria.”

To find out more about Western Heights College, phone 5277 1177 or visit www.whc.vic.edu.au..