Benefit from regular dental checks

Regular checks can prevent later problems.

Visiting the dentist is about more than getting clean, shiny teeth.
Regular dental visits can help prevent dental disease and find signs of disease early.
This helps to keep the mouth healthy, which can save both time and money in the long run.
Regular visits to a dentist can help stop tooth decay from causing bigger problems.
Decay caught early can be reversed while untreated tooth decay can lead to cavities which can cause pain, loss of confidence and tooth loss, and treating decay or cavities can prevent them from getting worse.
Early gum disease can be reversed and periodontal (gum) disease is the main cause of tooth loss and sometimes teeth or gums may not hurt even though there is gum disease.
Anyone who notices that their gums are red, swollen or tender or that bleed when they brush or floss should visit a dentist as soon as possible.
Another sign of gum disease is bad breath that won’t go away and treating gum disease early can prevent it from getting worse.
Dentists will clean teeth to remove surface stains and any tartar that has formed.
They can also give tips for cleaning teeth, caring for gums and improving breath at home. A proper cleaning can also help prevent gum disease.
Norlane Dental Surgery is currently offering a free initial consultation on orthodontics and implants treatments.
Book a free consultation on 1800 246 247.