Common questions

Manipulative therapy at Joint and Tissue Regeneration Clinics.

Our feet and legs are vital for mobility and balance and are the basis of most daily activities.
So it’s no wonder that most people suffer foot, knee or leg pain at some point in their lives.
Experts at Foot and Leg Pain Clinics shed some light on common foot and leg concerns.
* The most common concerns include knee pain, injuries and arthritis; heel, shin or forefoot pain; ankle and Achilles concerns.
* Many conditions are misdiagnosed and incorrectly treated so it’s important to find an experienced musculoskeletal or sports podiatrist to assist.
* Bad foot posture can continually pull the body out of alignment which can contribute to postural aches/ pains and undue stress on joints and tissues.
* Early symptoms for diabetes, arthritis, nerve and circulatory problems often show themselves initially in the feet.
* Traditional treatments such as cortisone, anti-inflammatory medications and joint arthroscopies are now outdated for conditions such as joint arthritis, and have been found to delay healing and cause further tissue damage in many cases.
* Biological medicine is now superseding the pharmaceutical approach, providing natural, safe and effective medical alternatives and treatments. Natural regenerative therapies such as prolotherapy and PRP (platelet rich plasma) are helping many people heal injuries and assist degeneration.
* Foot and leg problems left untreated usually get worse however most foot and leg concerns can be addressed relatively easily and effectively with appropriate treatment.
“By combining the latest regenerative therapies with a sound knowledge of musculoskeletal medicine, biomechanics, and load management strategies to assist stresses through joints and tissues, we can aid or eradicate pain, increase mobility, repair injury and regenerate tissues to assist arthritic concerns – naturally,” say the experts at Foot and Leg Pain Clinics.
Those who need assistance with foot or leg pain can contact Foot and Leg Pain Clinics at convenient clinic locations across Victoria including at 92 Roslyn Road, Belmont.
Mention this article for $50 off initial consultations.
Call 1300 328 300.