Children’s foot and leg concerns


There are some common observations and issues related to children’s feet and legs that parents are often concerned about. Musculoskeletal podiatrist Dr David Kavanagh from Foot & Leg Pain Clinics in Belmont, clarified some of these issues.
Flat feet
Contrary to popular belief the appearance of flat feet in children, is not usually cause for concern. However, if there is associated pain, balance issues or excessive rolling inward of the ankles, parents should seek professional assistance.
Pigeon toe and out toe
The appearance of in-toeing (‘pigeon toed’) or out-toeing (‘duck feet’), can affect the capacity of a child to run, jump and balance well. These issues may be assisted during a child’s developmental years and should be checked.
Growing pains
Growing pains are very common and are often due to overstrain of the growth plates of growing bones. The exact nature of the pain should be determined as soon as possible, and should be checked by a musculoskeletal podiatrist.
Shin pain
Medial tibial stress syndrome, anterior leg pain and compartment syndrome, all commonly referred to as shin pain or shin splints should always be checked.
“If your child regularly complains of foot or leg pain, has balance or mobility issues you should get it checked by a podiatrist experienced in treating musculoskeletal issues. The good news is, with proper diagnosis and correct treatment most issues can be addressed quite easily,” says Dr Kavanagh.
For appointments at Foot & Leg Pain Clinics call 1300 328 300.
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