Beat foot, leg issues

Help is available for foot and leg pain.

The role of feet in mobility and balance make them the basis for most physical activities, so it’s no wonder problems and pain are common.
But few people realise that feet can affect and cause problems elsewhere, such as in ankles, knees, hips and backs.
Bad foot posture can also pull the body out of alignment, so any pain should not be ignored.
Untreated problems almost always worsen but the solution is often simple with the correct diagnosis and treatment.
Foot & Leg Pain Clinics musculoskeletal podiatrist Dr David Kavanagh says people often endure painful conditions for far too long.
“Most conditions can be easily overcome thanks to the latest medical research and treatments. Even patients who’ve been told there’s no solution or that surgery and/or medications are their only options can now be treated with great success.
“With the right diagnosis and treatment from an experienced practitioner who addresses the cause of the problem and not just the symptoms you can achieve successful long-term outcomes.”
Foot & Leg Pain Clinics Belmont can help with: heel or arch pain; plantar fasciitis; ankle, shin or achilles issues; knee pain; bunions; and injuries or degenerative problems.
Appointments are available by phoning 1300 328 300.
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