Skin check life-saver

Ian Holten.

AUSTRALIANS love the sun and every decade of overexposure to UV increases your risk of skin cancer.
Statistics show at least two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer before the age of 70.
Now that the weather is warming up, it’s time to be vigilant in the sun.
Leading Geelong plastic surgeon Mr Ian Holten says the sun is the best natural source of vitamin D and it is a balancing act.
“A few minutes of mid-morning or mid-afternoon sun exposure provides enough vitamin D. Too much exposure causes sunburn, premature ageing and damage that could lead to melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer,” he says.
“Skin cancer and mole checks, talking to an expert about your level of risk and advice on early detection is a good idea.”
Mr Holten says over 95 per cent of skin cancers can be successfully treated if detected early.
But detection can be difficult, with skin cancers rarely felt and sometimes occurring on parts of the body not usually exposed to the sun, such as between the toes.
Not all skin cancers start out as moles, so it is important to have a trained eye look over your skin.
“A skin check is easy and simple and takes 20 minutes. It’s just one of those things you need to do.”
Mr Holten has trained Australian Skin Face Body’s team of doctors to carry out the checks.
“A skin check with an experienced GP will cost only $30 after the Medicare rebate and it could save your life,” he says.
Located at 50 Western Beach Road, Geelong, the Plastic Surgery, Skin and Laser Clinic has ample parking at the rear.
No referral is necessary to see a GP trained in skin cancer checks, simply make an appointment by phoning 5221 8444.