House of care

Volunteer Debbie Humphreys, left, with president Pam Virgona.

GEELONG West Care Connect is all about increasing community participation and connection.
Geelong West Neighbourhood House (GWNH) in conjunction with Gateways Support Services is excited to launch a new afternoon program for people with dementia, people with disabilities and the frail aged.
The Geelong West Care Connect program commences on 8 October from 1pm to 3pm at the Virginia Todd Centre in Clarence Street, Geelong West.
“We are delighted to be bringing this service to the local community,” GWNH President Pam Virgona said.
“Attendees will benefit from the opportunities for greater social participation and connection.”
“Our activities co-ordinators Jo Brown and Rosemary Nugent are looking forward to meeting and greeting everyone.”
People with dementia or disabilities, ageing members of the community (who may not be as physically able as they once were) and their carers are encouraged to attend.
In particular, the program aims to build the social confidence, expand and extend social connections and experiences, and enhance mental well-being.
The two-hour sessions will be in a comfortable and relaxed environment and offer a range of activities and support for participation.
Those who attend will be encouraged to assist in planning the program and have their own interests included. There is no cost to attend and afternoon tea will be provided.
For more information and to register contact the Gateways Dementia Respite Co-ordinator on 5221 2984. The program runs through to 10 December 2015.