Better bodies

Body Conquest's Renata Stojanovski, Ingrid Barclay and Jai Cottrill.

BODY Conquest has been changing physiques and achieving marvellous results with its clients for many years.
Body Conquest’s Ingrid Barclay says the major difference is that Team BC addresses the missing link to success.
“Yes, we look at resistance training, we address cardio requirements and we can overhaul clients nutrition to get them eating for fat loss, improved health and far greater energy levels,” she says.
“But we also address emotional eating behaviours such as bingeing, cheating, not sticking to plan so you do achieve the body you want.
“Simple strategies and practical action strategies apply in daily life. To change your body you must reprogram your thinking and change your belief systems about food and exercise.
“If you want results you must be prepared to accept responsibility and adopt our past successful clients’ creed: you can either make excuses or get results but you can’t do both.
“Whether you want a bikini body, strength gains, improve your sports performance on the oval or court, Team BC will help you overcome past self-limiting beliefs and install some new success beliefs.
“We provide support and understanding of all things food and supplement wise, will get you on a training program you both love and can see results with and can teach you the five steps of ending emotional eating. Team BC can be your body fat solution, too.”
Prospective clients can contact Ingrid today for free initial consultations and take advantage of Body Conquest’s 10 per cent discount for May.