By Luke Voogt
A police shopfront will crack down on crime in central Geelong if the coalition wins November’s state election, the shadow police minister has announced.
Edward O’Donohue visited Geelong on Thursday to unveil a $7.2 million state-wide plan to introduce 12 police mall shopfronts, including one in Westfield.
The infamous Little Malop Street Mall was about 500m from Westfield but the shopfront would allow more police patrols to the location, Mr O’Donohue said.
“Ultimately it will be a matter for the Chief Commissioner but our intention is this will be a base from which to patrol. This will put them in proximity to the mall.
“There’s no doubt that a visible police presence is a strong deterrent to criminal behaviour and allows a quick response to incidents that take place.”
Nearby traders have regularly complained about crime in the area, mostly involving youths, following a series of brawls and assaults during the past few years.
“If traders are reporting it it’s very concerning and frankly it shouldn’t be that way,” Mr O’Donohue said.
“When I’m talking to people they say the police are great but they rarely see them.”
Sworn Victoria police officers would man the shopfronts and gather intelligence from local traders while patrolling, Mr O’Donohue said.
He was unable to specify where police would locate the shopfront.
“We’ll settle the location with the centre management once we’re in government.“
Mr O’Donohue said the opposition was committed to reducing crime in Geelong.
“That’s one of the reasons when we were in Government last time we expanded the CCTV network in Geelong’s CBD.”
But Police Minister Lisa Neville said the Andrews Government had already announced armed protective services officers (PSO) for Victorian shopping centres.
The government would fund 3135 new police over the next four years to keep public spaces safe, including shopping centres, she said.
“Our new 3135 police can be deployed wherever the Chief Commissioner sees fit.”
Ms Neville the government had funded 300 new officers, including 10 for Geelong.
“Police are already patrolling in and around shopping centres in Geelong and the mall where locals know that most issues occur.
“Police monitor CCTV cameras around Geelong to ensure police members are where they need to be to increase safety across the whole city.”