Huddled into the hills of Lovely Banks, with a scenic outlook to Corio Bay, Geelong Baptist College offers Foundation to Year 12 students a secure learning environment, enhanced by the enriching experiences gained from being within shared campus grounds of nearly 14 hectares blessed by natural beauty.
Secondary Principal Neil Wetmore says all students experience a strong academic culture and high education standard.
“Their learning is underpinned with Christian values and beliefs, and our students are inspired and equipped to aim high towards a positive future – for not only themselves but the world they will inherit,” Mr Wetmore says.
“Open to students of all faiths and representing diverse cultures and walks of life, GBC is a true reflection of the real world. We aim for students to achieve a balance of academic rigour and personal wellbeing as they seek to juggle all that life has in store for them in their journey to maturity.”
Mr Wetmore and primary Principal Judy Sobey agree that pastoral care is paramount during the students’ learning journeys.
“The Edge program for our Year 9 student is explicit in its intent to equip students to ‘go into the world’ and to live humbly and justly,” says Mr Wetmore.
“As such, our Edge students are given chances to practically care for the environment, their neighbours, and especially for the marginalised and underprivileged.”
“Likewise in the primary school,” continues Ms Sobey, “our students experience a clubs program that facilitates students to not only unpack their own gifts and talents, such as music and art, but equips them to be servant-hearted and to use them for others.
“Staff members lead students to discover for themselves the truth of the Gospel of Jesus, as well as the nature of God. Our mission is for them to have discernment, to know what is right and to commit to action for a better society.”
A privately-owned modern fleet of buses service the immediate Geelong area, as well as the surrounding areas, including the Golden Plains Shire, Point Cook and Werribee.
Interested families are encouraged to visit the college at the next Twilight Tour at 6-7pm on Wednesday, March 4.
Four more open days or twilight tours are planned for this year – see website for details.
Geelong Baptist College, 590 Anakie Road, Lovely Banks. Inquiries: 5260 9999; email enquiries@gbc.vic.edu.au; or visit www.gbc.vic.edu.au