Fitness help personalised

Will D'Omay at Listen to Your Body.

Being active isn’t always about “going your hardest” at Geelong’s Listen to Your Body (LTYB) .

LTYB is instead focused on improving fitness in a personalised way, explains owner Will D’Ornay.

“A lot of personal trainers love going really hard but our view is more about being active, healthy and becoming a better version of you,” Will says.

“It’s not about being able to run 10 kilometres. We want people to have a healthy lifestyle and make changes for the better.”

LTYB is a “three-in-one“ combination of gym, fitness class and personal training, Will explains.

“Our 45-minute group sessions are individually tailored workouts, instructed by personal trainers, designed specifically to individual fitness goals.

“Rather than expecting everyone does the same thing, we understand individual goals and abilities.“

Will knows the importance of individualised training from personal experience.

“I had a motorbike accident and dislocated my shoulder, which required me to do a bit of rehab to get it right again.

“Individualised personal training was a huge part of that process.“

The new LTYB Geelong studio provides a comfortable, non-intimidating environment for all, regardless of fitness level or age.

Members are “loving” the local studio since it opened its doors last month, Will says.

“It’s something new for Geelong and it’s been received really well so far.

“Rather than paying something like $80 an hour for a personal trainer, you can pay $52 for a whole week.“