Bounce into holiday fun

Develop your freestyle tricks at Bounce.

BOUNCE is the perfect playground to develop your freestyle tricks these school holidays! It’s the ultimate indoor play area to develop and harness balance, coordination and agility through a unique blend of fun, freestyle, progression and development.

What’s on at BOUNCE these school holidays?

Holiday Camp

BOUNCE Holiday Camps are the perfect way to keep kids active and entertained during the school holidays! Whether your kids are aspiring freestyle trampolinists or want to get a taste of the exciting world of Ninja, Parkour and Free running, school holiday camps offers a healthy and fun group activity for your child. Participants who sign up to Holiday Camp receive a 2 hour session every day to develop their skills.

2 Hour Superpass

Learn new skills or take your BOUNCE Freestyle to the next level. BOUNCE’s 2 Hour Superpass is the best way to enjoy twice the time and have twice the fun. Whether you’re trying to master your first backflip into the Big Bag or learning how to run The Wall, it’s the ultimate environment to master your moves and unleash your Freestyle!


BOUNCE as a group of four and save! Assemble your family or group of friends with a BOUNCE Awesome 4some session. BOUNCE’s trampolines, padding and air bags create the perfect adventure playground to develop and practice your skills.

Gather your tribe and unleash your free spirit!

More information can be found at