Making a difference through compassion and dignity

AmAble support worker Matt Trounce with participant Nicholas.

AmAble was Founded by Bec Provis, a mother of five children with disabilities and her own experience with neurodiversity, and her sister with a profound disability.

AmAble is about making a difference, providing compassion and dignity. Amable translates in Spanish to “to be kind”, and giving voice to participants to say “I AM ABLE”.

AmAble is not for profit, meaning every dollar goes back to its participants and programs, not making profit out of disability. Services include, daily living supports, innovating social, skill building programs, respite, camps, accommodation and training.

The recreation and program division has been very successful in putting together an array of programs to cater for all interests.

Teen Girls started back in 2020 and still runs on a Friday night. Participants who started back then are now transitioning to the Young Adults Group.

Some of AmAble’s other foundation programs, such as junior cooking and art and craft, have also been a huge success.

This year has seen the introduction of the Gamer’s and a music group, with a junior group starting next term.

Next term AmAble is excited to see the introduction of its new day programs to suit all age groups.

Programs provide opportunities for socialisation, build independence and capacity by being out in the community, learning new skills and developing connections and friendships.

The team always loves to see new faces and if you are interested in learning more about the programs and what they do, come along to the Program Information Session on Thursday October 5 and the free sausage sizzle at 54 Little Ryrie St, Geelong from 11am to 1pm.

To register, email or phone 5201 9093.