Give the boot to winter pain

Now is the time to sort out foot and leg pain with Foot & Leg Pain Clinics.

With the cold weather well and truly upon us painful joints, old injuries and arthritic conditions can certainly become more troubling and interfere with our daily activities. But what can you do about them?

Until recently the only options have been to put up with the pain, rest for extended periods, refrain from activities, resort to medications or in severe cases undergo surgery. But now, thanks to the latest research and advances in medical science, along with experts such as those at Foot & Leg Pain Clinics in Melbourne and Geelong, lower limb pain could be a thing of the past!

Foot & Leg Pain Clinics have developed a clinically proven system to assist people with common musculoskeletal and degenerative conditions such as: foot, ankle, knee and hip pain, injuries new and old, tissue degeneration, arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis and other soft tissue conditions. By combining the latest natural regenerative treatments, with load management strategies, targeted strengthening and conditioning and nutritional advice, the clinics have been able to help patients to alleviate pain, improve mobility and re-engage in activities. They’ve even assisted some to avoid or prolong surgery such as knee replacement.

“Thanks to the latest medical research we have a better understanding of the body and how we can assist it to function better and heal itself. Combine that information with the latest natural regenerative treatments and we’re able to assist soft tissue repair, improve joint & tissue function and mobility better than ever before,” say the experts at Foot & Leg Pain Clinics.

If you suffer from any foot or leg pain including knee or hip pain, you can see the experts at Foot & Leg Pain Clinics in Geelong by phoning 1300 328 300. Call now for $50 off initial consultations.