Superheroes are all around us

Amelia Joseph's entry. (Pictures: Supplied)

Carole Levy

The virtual event to announce the winners of the Bethany Superhero Awards is coming up on Sunday, October 11, with kids, parents and other family members ‘logging on’ to be part of the fun-filled day.

A winner will be announced for each category, as well as an overall winner from all entries, who will be named Geelong Superhero of the Year.

Winners will share in a prize pool, with contributions from Geelong Football Club, Adventure Park, Sea all Dolphins Swim and Dizzy Toys.

Bethany Group chief executive Grant Boyd says that many incredible entries were received this year.

“The finalist submissions were all richly diverse, with dads, mums, grandparents, friends, school teachers, medical professionals, youth mentors and community leaders all being tagged as finalists this year,” Mr Boyd says.

“They were a testimony to just how many wonderful people there are in the community – and how children note their importance.”

Amelia Joseph, a grade 4 student at St Therese Catholic Primary School in Torquay, is a proud finalist. She says she really enjoyed creating her poem and drawings [pictured] and gave it quite a bit of thought before choosing her Superhero.

“I heard mum and dad talking about people who work at Woolworths and what a great job they do, and I thought about the mum of one of my friends who works at Woolies.

“She works hard, stacking shelves and keeping things in order, but she always has a smile and says ‘hi’. I thought about how the workers keep everything going for us. They are everyday heroes.

“It made me happy to work on my entry because everyone will remember the Woolies workers. My mum and sisters helped me with the poem and I did all the drawings.”

The awards ceremony will be launched on Sunday, October 11 and can be viewed from 12pm on

For more information, go to



Jobe Davies’ video entry: