The summer holiday season just around the corner is traditionally spent enjoying the company of family and friends.
However, each year many people face the holidays and Christmas for the first time since experiencing the passing of loved ones.
Regardless of age, grief can come in many forms, and often the most difficult bereavement is the loss of a loved one.
Grief can be a confusing experience for both the bereaved and those trying to comfort them. Grieving people are often misunderstood because their world has been turned upside down.
Assisting families and individuals during these times is part of the support provided by the team at Tuckers Funeral and Bereavement Service.
In November of each year Tuckers extends its Bereavement Care Program to the wider community by hosting a special Christmas memorial service.
‘A Time to Remember is aimed at helping those who have experienced grief and loss and to prepare for the Christmas period in particular.
Tuckers Bereavement Care Program has been a support network for the Geelong community since the late 1970s. A Time to Remember is an extension of that care.
“We are passionate about caring for our community, and that extends beyond the funeral service. Not everyone needs additional support, but it is something that can be requested by families as needed,” says Karen Thirlwell, bereavement care consultant.
A Time to Rememberl be held from 6.45pm on the evening of Monday 26 November at the Barrabool Hills Centre, 4-46 Province Blvd, Highton.
Attendance is free and supper will be provided. More details are available by phoning Tuckers on 5221 4788.