Slow going in awful weather

Adam Van Der Lugt with his PB trout at Lake Bellfield. (supplied)

ON THE BITE with Peri Stavropoulos

To say the weather has been wild would be an understatement with almost a week of unfishable conditions.

So this report is going to be more like a ‘what’s worth trying’ after this blow.

If you’re up for a trophy and willing to work hard it’s well worth having a crack for a snapper either from boat or land. Coming into September is what we would call our ‘early season run’ where the resident fish start to become a little more active.

Although it can be very hard fishing and long hours of little action the quality of fish can be phenomenal, 7, 8, 9 even 10kg fish are very achievable. Fishing soft oily baits such as pilchards, sauries and salmon make fantastic baits.

If you’re land-based it will be well worth trying St Helens, Limeburners or North Shore if you desire one of these giants.

The water is expected to be quite dirty so calamari could be quite tricky, so if you are going to target them, the trick will be to try and find some clear water and if it isn’t super clear maybe don’t spend too much time chasing them.

King George whiting however could explode! They certainly love a bit of colour in the water. Clifton Springs would be well worth having a crack especially with very little pressure over the past week or so. St Leonards is also worth sussing out for a feed of whiting, most likely going to be the best location to chase them after this blow.

Offshore should see some great gummy shark fishing and a good chance of some snapper starting to make their way into the bay. The snapper will more typically be out in 50 to 60 metres of water with the gummies hanging in shallower but don’t be surprised if you catch the opposite species to what you’re intending.

Barrel Tuna could most likely be still lurking around offshore and after this blow very practically zero boat traffic we could expect them to go really

good the first opportunity to get out there and have a crack.

The Grampians saw some good fishing this week for Adam from Trellys Geelong, whilst on a family getaway snuck a rod and had a cast around the south end of Lake Bellfield.

Rainbow trout and redfin were in force with Adam securing himself a nice feed in no time with Rapala F3s proving to be the standout lure.