Home News Page 1378


Shamed Grubbers to take holocaust lesson

Alex de VosOcean Grove footballers have agreed to visit Melbourne’s Holocaust Museum after allegedly attacking a Jewish man while on their way home from...

Bellarine bounty

Alex de VosLabor has offered a $10.5 million bounty in Bellarine-specific election promises compared to a Liberal list worth $7.3 million, according to last-minute...

Winds over 120km/h wreck Corio properties

Andrew MathiesonA “microburst” wind storm has damaged dozens of homes at Corio. Gusts in excess of 120km/h ripped through part of the suburb near Purnell...

Commonwealth to Bracks on next bypass stage

The Commonwealth will reject Premier Steve Bracks’s funding plea on the fourth stage of Geelong’s bypass, a Liberal party source told the Independent yesterday. The...

Day ‘to gauge trials support’

Andrew MathiesonGEELONG Speed Trials organisers will gauge public support for returning the historic event to the city’s foreshore. Speed trials director Gary Grant said attendance...

City loses demand for cash. Space war win

Andrew MathiesonA developer has won a legal battle against City Hall’s demand for cash to create open space offsetting a residential project opposite Kardinia...

Fine, no licence after attack. Cost of rage

Alex de VosA road rage attack yesterday cost a Drysdale man his licence and an $800 fine. Geelong Magistrate Ian von Einem found Drysdale’s Mark...

The politics of farming

Hamish HeardTHE very mention of drought makes Simon Ramsay cringe. Despite now spending a great deal of his time between the clanging of city trams...

Private votes need public input

Peter FaragoGEELONG’S federal MPs will be asked to bare their conscience about cloning embryonic stem cells for scientific research. Labor Member for Corio Gavan O’Connor...

Idea floated, sunk by City

Pater FargoDID GEELONG’S council miss the boat when it rejected plans for a floating restaurant on the city’s waterfront? City of Greater Geelong named 18...

Doctor claims deaths hidden

Hamish HeardA senior Victorian medico has called on State Government to come clean on how many patients have died waiting for medical treatment at...

Beating the drought

Andrew MathiesonLocal industries are finding ways to live with the water crisis after Barwon Water announced its harshest restrictions are on their way. While news...


Veteran identified after 50 years

A World War One (WW1) veteran has been given a headstone at Bellbrae Cemetery after half a century of being in an unmarked grave....

From the Archives