Blood donors needed

Mitch and Chelsea Alldis are calling for more blood donors in Geelong. (Supplied)

A man is calling for more Geelong donors after requiring blood during surgery nearly three years ago.

Mitch Alldis underwent surgery at Epworth Geelong to remove a vascular tumour in June 2021, when he required a significant amount of blood.

“I was incredibly unwell, and I am told I needed 27 units of blood during the surgery, which was about three times my entire blood volume,” he said.

“A lot of blood donors went into saving my life, and for that, I am eternally grateful. Since my surgery, I have made regular donations to Lifeblood.

“I was eligible to donate blood before the surgery but just didn’t get to it for a number of reasons, so I want everyone to understand the need for blood donations.”

Associate Professor Saleh Abbas removed the tumour and said a team was running between the blood storage area and the theatre to maintain Mr Alldis’ blood supply.

“Mitch was diagnosed with a tumour called an extra-adrenal pheochromocytoma, which secretes large amounts of adrenaline,” he said.

“The adrenaline raises blood pressure and causes a condition called cardiomyopathy, causing heart muscles to become weak.

“A massive tumour occupied the whole of Mitch’s pelvic cavity. These tumours tend to bleed, which adds to the complexity of this surgery.”

According to Lifeblood, one in three Australians will need blood or blood products in their lifetime, with close to 33,000 donations required every week.

People between 18 and 75 years old may be able to donate to Lifeblood. Call 13 14 95, visit or download the Donate Blood App for more information or to book a donation.