New surgery hub to relieve hospital pressure

Works on the University Hospitals Geelong’s new surgery hub is complete, thanks to the state government’s COVID Catch Up Plan.

Minister for Health Mary-Anne Thomas visited the state’s first regional Rapid Access Hub at the hospital’s Youang Surgery Centre on Thursday, November 23.

Ms Thomas said the $5 million hub would deliver close to 2300 extra procedures, including general, plastic, dental, ear, nose and throat surgeries.

“Our COVID Catch Up Plan is making a real difference, and initiatives like the rapid access hubs will see us continue to get the waiting list down,” she said.

“Geelong’s new surgery hub will help more patients get the care they need sooner and ensure we’re delivering on our long-term plan to deliver more surgery than ever before.”

The hub will feature a new surgery theatre and spaces for patients to recover and relieve pressure on the hospital’s main theatres to help drive down emergency and complex surgery waitlists.

It will allow more than 700 procedures to move out of the main hospital to create more capacity for emergency and planned surgery in the main hospital.

Member for Lara Ella George said the hub would allow locals to get the services they need while getting the best care during and after surgery.

“This new addition to University Hospital Geelong will make a huge difference, allowing thousands more surgeries for thousands of people,” she said.

The Geelong site is the first regional facility under the Rapid Access Hub project to help hospitals streamline services, a key initiative of the state government’s $1.5 billion COVID Catch Up Plan.