Two great competitions offer Geelong Indy readers the chance to win either $100 gift cards or tasty turkeys in time for Christmas.
The Indy’s giving away 10 of the Market Square Shopping Centre cards, with entries to the online-only competition open at geelongindy.com.au/competitions.
Entries to win one of the 10 cards close at 10am on 6 December, with the winners revealed in the following day’s Indy.
That’s 10 chances to win a $100 gift card – enter now!
And Talkin’ Turkey is also back to challenge eagle-eyed readers again.
Entrants must find four turkey logos hidden in four separate advertisements then name each of the advertisers at geelongindy.com.au/competitions.
Talkin’ Turkeys begins today and continues in the editions of 7 and 14 December.
That’s 12 turkeys to be won in the next three weeks – gobble-gobble!
Each week’s entries close midday the following Monday. Readers can also lodge entries in person at the Indy’s office, on the first floor of 78 Moorabool St, Geelong.