Inclusive environment at Corio Little Aths

Travis Zimmer, All Abilities athlete Florence and Corio centre coach Brendan Williams. (supplied)

Corio Little Athletics Centre (CLAC) has partnered with Sport4All through the City of Greater Geelong with Travis Zimmer as their inclusion coach.

CLAC is committed to providing an inclusive environment, and the support provided by Sport4All will help enhance what their Centre currently provides.

Travis will be guiding them in making their sport and facilities more inclusive and accessible for athletes, families, visitors and volunteers with disabilities to actively participate.

Committee members recently had their first inclusion training session facilitated by Travis and coaches and officials will also be trained to help the Centre provide a supportive experience for everyone.

Travis is developing an action plan for CLAC to achieve their goals.

Little athletics is an individual sport, so it is fairly easy to integrate All Abilities athletes into the program at Centre level, with personal adjustments as needed.

The Centre’s All Abilities Coordinator works with families to identify the best way to support their athletes.

This might be adjusting weights and heights of equipment, allowing a support person to run or walk alongside the track etc.

“My favourite is shot put and all the friends I have made. I come last running but it’s okay because it’s still a place in the race,” All Abilities athlete Florence said.

Florence loves hearing everyone cheering her on with “Go Flo!”

“Corio Centre is inclusive and encouraging and provides a safe space for Florence to develop confidence in her abilities both on and off the track,” Kirrilie, Florence’s mum, said.

Athletes with disabilities wanting to compete at Region and State events need to be assessed and classified by Little Athletics Vic to compete as multi-class athletes.

An initiative by the centre last season created a quiet sensory space inside the clubrooms for athletes to take a break if needed.

For information, contact Meridith on 0412-166 760.