Youth Council focus on vapes

Geelong’s 2024 Youth Council.

Matt Hewson

The 2024 Geelong Youth Council presented its second report to the City this week, focusing on the growing trend of vape use among Geelong’s young people.

The report, presented by Junior Mayor Hteemoo Yohellaymusaw,

“Youth Council participants believe that immediate action is required to curb vape use among young people in Geelong,” Junior Mayor Yohellaymusaw said.

“Unfortunately, the new federal e-cigarette laws are very confusing and have not been well communicated to young people or their parents.

“Youth Council members also struggle to see how these laws are being converted on the ground in Geelong, as it is difficult to see what action is being taken in our community to support the federal laws around the sale of nicotine and non-nicotine products such as vape.”

Youth Council presented three recommendations to the council; firstly, to monitor more regularly vape and tobacco stores that are in close proximity to schools, including undertaking increased test purchasing.

Junior councillors also advised the City to work with vape and tobacco stores to minimise brightly packaged confectionery and other items that may attract children and to implement a de-identified registry around complaints, purchase testing, breaches, warnings and penalty infringements of vape and tobacco stores.

The report also detailed Youth Council’s activities, including the content of its March, April and May meetings, its involvement in the development of the design of the new central Geelong youth hub and junior councillors’ roles at the Women in Community Life Awards.

Councillor Elise Wilkinson supported the recommendations on vaping made in the report.

“I think the presentation by Mayor Hteemoo tonight is exactly why we need a youth council, Cr Wilkinson said.

“Vaping is not just a youth issue, but it (has an) incredible impact on young people and the safety and health of young people is directly connected.

“I really value the youth council, really value this report and (I’m) very pleased to endorse it.”

Councillor Belinda Moloney congratulated the junior councillors on their work throughout the year so far, particularly with regard to the design of the youth hub.

““It’s really an astronomical effort for all these individuals to take time out of their day and I know that they probably have very busy lives studying and perhaps working as well to actually contribute to local government,” Cr Moloney said.

Visit to view the full report.