Story times for International Day of People with Disability

Disability advocate Renee D'Offay, with daughters Andie, left, and Harper, will present a story time session on December 4. (Supplied)

Torquay Library and Surf Coast Shire kindergartens will celebrate International Day of People with Disability through shared story times.

Book readings will take place at Torquay Library by disability advocates and authors Renee D’Offay at 10.30am on December 4 for pre-schoolers and Chrissie Davies at 10.30am on December 7 for toddlers.

The sessions look to increase disability understanding, celebrate diversity, and help parents talk with children about disability following the International Day of People with Disability on December 3.

Ms D’Offay was left profoundly deaf at 19 after having meningococcal meningitis and said it was important to normalise disability for young children by having open conversations.

“It’s really hard for kids sometimes to understand, but the first message is that everybody is different, and what people need is different,” she said.

“Some people need extra support with different things, whether a cochlear implant for me to hear or a wheelchair for someone else.

“Having examples in their lives helps children to understand better, so having books and resources and lots of exposure to those things is what makes it real for kids.”

Ms Davies said she was a ‘fierce advocate for understanding neurodivergent children’ and that disabilities were not always obvious.

“Creating more awareness about invisible disabilities is a big passion of mine as these are still very misunderstood by the wider community,” she said.

“Invisible disability examples include attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, anxiety, foetal alcohol syndrome, developmental trauma and dyslexia.

“Education around developmental differences is vitally important as everybody deserves to know that they belong to their community and feel understood by those around them.”

For more information about the story sessions and to register a spot, visit