After the success of their first run last year, the Torquay Lions Club is bringing back its duck races.
Club president Neil Roche said the fundraiser event had been a hit in 2020 and he was hoping to see it continue to grow.
Torquay Lions first held the race in October last year as a new way to raise funds with lockdown limiting its usual activities.
The races saw 120 rubber ducks race down a section of Spring Creek, with the races recorded and broadcast on social media.
Mr Roche said he was hoping the community would again get behind the race next month.
“Our club is aiming for 300 ducks – the little yellow type that float – to race off in heats on December 11,” he said.
“The exact venue and time will be announced on the day, subject to weather and tides.
“The event will go live to our club Facebook page, @lionstorquay.”
Mr Roche invited Surf Coast residents to ‘adopt’ a duck for the race for $10 each.
“If all ducks are adopted for race day, and thanks to our sponsors donating prizes to the value of $500, the Lions will raise $3000 to put back into the community,” he said.
Mr Roche said the event was important for the club to continue providing financial support for the community.
“It’s been a difficult year for many, including for the Lions to get together and fundraise,” he said.
“So, the idea of a bit of fun, and the ability to financially support our local community, is something to which the club is looking forward.”
Mr Roche said the ducks could be adopted from the Lions Club’s website, or in person in Gilbert Street or at the Farmers Market.
Prizes will also be announced online once they are finalised.