My Place with Glenda MacNaughton

Glenda MacNaughton (Ivan Kemp) 421207_03

Author Glenda MacNaughton has spent much of her life in the Bellarine and loves sharing her works with the community. She speaks with Jena Carr about what she loves about living and working in Drysdale.

What is your connection to Drysdale?

I have lived and worked in Drysdale for over 15 years, and walking my dog on the beach at the Clifton Springs Boat Harbour is a regular pleasure.

What do you like about where you live?

I love the big skies, closeness to nature and the beach in the remnant bushland and around the wonderful lakes of Drysdale.

The Bellarine offers great music, food and art venues close by, and there’s a vibrant community of folks trying to make a positive difference in the world.

What, if anything, would you change about where you live?

I’d love to see more exciting, shiny, and glassy street art that enhances the built environment and entices people to the area by providing moments of wonder, joy, and awe for visitors and locals alike.

On a different note, I’d also love a great local fresh fruit and vegetable shop in the centre of town.

Where is your favourite place to spend time?

It’s a toss-up between walking around and enjoying the bird life around the Drysdale lakes, watching sunsets at the boat ramp, and snuggling down in my home.

What is something people may not know about you?

Some people know that I blow glass; others do not. Some people know I write; others do not. Some people know I spent my childhood on the Bellarine; others will not.

It depends on who it is and what they know about me, and I’m still learning about myself.

What do you love most about writing?

Writing has always been a way for me to make sense of the world. Through writing, I organise ideas, shape thoughts, and re-know what I thought I knew.

So, it’s perhaps not surprising that I’ve turned to it in my travels with grief in recent years with the sudden loss of my soulmate and partner and with the death of my mother.