The controversial duck hunting season continues to receive backlash, with wildlife activists holding protests in Geelong.
Protestors gathered outside Member for Geelong Christine Couzens’ office on Pakington Street on March 22 to protest the 2025 duck season, which started at 8am on March 19.
Geelong Duck Rescue also revealed a new Blue Bill Duck mascot during the protest to support a ban on duck shooting across the region.
Coordinator Natalie Kopas said the protest called on Ms Couzens to take a stand against the season as Reedy Lake, one of the duck-hunting wetlands, was within the state member’s electorate.
“The wildlife officers here should be at the wetlands, monitoring hunters for compliance and protecting waterbirds, not standing outside an MP’s office to stare down peaceful protesters,” she said.
“This new mascot is campaigning for an end to recreational duck shooting in Victoria and will appear frequently at Labor MPs offices from now until the bloodsport is banned.”
During the protest, a wildlife rescuer said people in the community were “outraged” by the impacts of the season on bird populations and wetlands.
“Christine Couzens needs to listen to her constituents and speak out against this outdated and destructive practice,” they said.
“We’re watching our wetlands dry up, and bird numbers plummet, yet the government has approved three months of shooting.”
The duck hunting season will continue to run until 30 minutes after sunset on June 9, with a daily bag limit of nine game ducks per day.
Duck species allowed to be hunted include the pacific black duck, chestnut teal, grey teal, mountain duck, pink-eared duck, wood duck and hardhead, according to the Game Management Authority (GMA).
The blue-winged shoveler is prohibited from being hunted, with GMA Game Officers, Victoria Police and authorised officers patrolling wetlands across the state.