The Geelong youth hub project continues to progress, with detailed plans for the site now finalised.
More than 1100 local young people were involved in contributing to the design of the spaces, services and overall look of the hub over a two-month engagement period.
Feedback from young people suggested they wanted the hub to offer opportunities for learning or practising skills such as cooking, art and music and provide mental health support, social drop-in sessions and employment assistance.
The youth hub, delivered by the City of Greater Geelong and supported by $400,000 of state government funding, will be located in the Busport building on the corner of Gheringhap Street and Transit Place.
The two-year pilot program will begin when the hub officially opens, which is expected to be in January 2025. The process to appoint a builder is now underway, with construction expected to begin soon.
The City’s 2024 Youth Council members were active participants in the design process, with the advocacy efforts of previous Youth Councils playing an integral part in getting the project off the ground.
Mayor Trent Sullivan thanked the local young community for its input.
“Young people have asked for this facility and from the outset we wanted to make it a place that they would want to come to,” Mayor Sullivan said.
“This process has been incredibly valuable in helping to identify exactly what will make the youth hub a success, and how it can provide the most value to young people.”
Member for Geelong Christine Couzens said it was important young people had been involved in the design of the Youth Hub and the services it would provide.
Visit yoursay.geelongaustralia.com.au/youthhub to stay up to date with the project.