Community-driven bike park upgrade complete

Will Semple tries out the upgraded Bob Pettitt Bike Park. (Supplied)

Jan Juc’s revamped Bob Pettitt Bike Park has reopened to riders after being closed since early February for upgrading.

The new and improved facility was designed and built in a collaborative partnership between Surf Coast Shire Council and community members including young local riders, Surf Coast Mountain Bike Club, Anglesea Bike Park Committee and local contractor Tim Powell Landscapes.

Jan Juc rider Will Semple, 16, said he was thrilled to ride at the bike park he was involved in bringing to life.

“We had a brainstorm session and put some rough ideas forward, and they helped with the design,” Will said.

“It’s been really cool to see it all happen. Everyone seems to be loving the new park so far.”

The shire is inviting the public to celebrate the bike park’s opening at a Surf Coast Youth event on Friday, March 31 from 4-6pm, which will offer a free barbecue, music, games and more.

Councillor Mike Bodsworth praised the community for its involvement in the project.

“The community members who participated in the design process are the people who will use the bike park for years to come, so it made sense for them to take the lead,” he said.

“The result is a facility to be proud of. Seeing riders of all skill levels navigating the park is fantastic – from more experienced riders who can challenge themselves, to youngsters on their balance bikes with their parents in the beginner section.”

Cr Bodworth also thanked the volunteers who had worked on the park and would continue to maintain the facility.

“A special shout-out to the amazing volunteers who put in the hours to refine the features of the park, to make sure it’s enjoyed by so many. Well done also to the young people who have signed up as volunteers to carry out ongoing maintenance at the park, along with adult bike club members who are taking on a coordinator role.

“Ultimately this project is a great example of passionate and committed locals coming together to take ownership of a space that provides a range of benefits to the wider community.”