Free picnic at Connewarre

Geelong Field and Game’s Trent Leen at the Connewarre Wetlands. (Ivan Kemp) 387411_09

The Bellarine and Geelong communities can enjoy a picnic and informative day out at the Connewarre Wetland Centre this Australia Day.

The 605 Lake Road centre will host the free event on Sunday, January 26, from 10am to 4pm so that people can learn more about the region’s wetlands.

Geelong Field and Game’s Trent Leen said the event would feature many family-friendly activities, including a free barbecue, wildlife spotting and live music.

“We’ve got the observation trail which will be open and that is a 1.5 kilometre all accessibility walking track around our wetland,” he said.

“I’m looking forward to seeing as many people as we can out there come out to see the centre, and it’d be great to see everybody enjoying themselves.

“You can fish out and scoop stuff out of the water and look at all the microinvertebrates in the water and then you can look at them under the telescope. It’s really hands on learning activities.”

Mr Leen said the event would allow people to discover and learn about the wetland’s animals, plants and bugs.

“It’ll be good because this is the first year we’ve actually had water in our wetland for the day,” he said.

“It’s good having the water in there so people can see it in its glory with the water, all the water birds, and the habitat we’ve created and are continually improving.

“Kids can get involved with the binoculars and go out and find some silhouettes of different sort of water birds. There will be some activities after that like painting and colouring in activities as well.”

– Jena Carr