Geelong Region Cancerians have launched their annual giving campaign with a much-needed $1000 boost as they aim to raise $5000 for cancer research.
The group’s chair Helene Bender welcomed the donation during a “challenging year” for fundraising.
“Like many not-for-profits in our region, COVID-19 social distancing has limited our opportunities to raise those much-needed funds from events for cancer research,” she said.
“We are reliant on generous donations and thank our donors for their support to ensure we achieve our vision.”
Lake Imaging donated the $1000 to the Cancerians as part of its commitment to supporting and funding medical research, its medical imaging director Chien Ho explained.
“We are pleased to support a local Geelong organisation, the Geelong Region Cancerians, to improve the lives of the many people in our community affected by cancer,” Dr Ho said.
The Cancerians’ annual giving campaign raises funds for cancer research, with all money going to the Australian Cancer Research Foundation.
The foundation funds cutting-edge technology, equipment and facilities that allow researchers and clinical teams to fast-track discoveries and new treatments, in a bid to end cancer.
Since launching in April 2018, Geelong Region Cancerians have donated $33,000 to the foundation for cancer research.
Geelong’s Phillipa Challis founded the group after becoming a uterine cancer survivor in 2017.
Her aim to raise awareness of cancer detection while raising funds for research into uterine and other cancers became the vision of Geelong Region Cancerians.
Each year about 2700 Australian women are diagnosed with uterine cancer and the majority are over 50.
To donate: www.givenow.com.au/geelongregioncancerians