Free return to work program for women

Women can access a free program boosting their ability to return to work thanks to a partnership between Geelong Regional Libraries and The Gordon.

The WorkWise Women program is a free, four-week course supporting women returning to paid work, particularly after time spent away from work due to parenting or caring responsibilities.

Beginning Tuesday, April 29, the program will be held at Corio Library over four weekly sessions of two and a half hours.

The WorkWise Women program, which returns after a first successful run in November 2024, is based on research highlighting the significant barriers faced by women, particularly new migrants, when attempting to return to the workforce after unpaid caregiving.

One of last year’s participants, a first-generation immigrant, encouraged other women to sign up.

“I knew nothing about the local job market and felt desperate and helpless,” she said.

“Now, I feel confident about searching for a job.”

Geelong Regional Libraries chief executive Vanessa Schernickau said the partnership with The Gordon was “helping to build stronger communities”.

“The collaboration demonstrates the power of libraries as community hubs for learning, connection, and growth,” Ms Schernickau said.

“By working with The Gordon, we can offer practical, accessible support to local people and help them build confidence and achieve their career goals.”

The Gordon career practitioners Caroline Caldwell and Melinda Smith will deliver the program.

For more information about the Workwise Women program contact The Gordon Skills and Jobs team via email at or call 5225 0700.