Geelong has celebrated the art of storytelling as libraries welcomed community members to share and learn about the region’s history.
World Storytelling Day was on Wednesday, March 20, with Newcomb Library celebrating the event a day earlier with a ‘Get to Know: History’ session from 10am to 11am.
Geelong Regional Libraries chief executive Vanessa Schernickau said libraries were a “treasure trove of knowledge and stories”, which she was proud to celebrate.
“In celebration of World Storytelling Day, the session at Newcomb Library offers a bridge between past and present and connects attendees through storytelling,” she said.
“This ‘Get to Know’ session not only introduces attendees to new authors and historical stories but also encourages open discussion and community connection.”
The day’s event was just one of Geelong Regional Libraries’ commitment to sharing stories, with the recent Saving Family Stories initiative for people to share and enjoy treasured memories.
The project started at the Leopold and Newcomb Libraries on March 1 to provide free community access to equipment and technical support to preserve old film and photograph items digitally.
Board chair Liz Pattison said finding opportunities to celebrate, capture and share the region’s unique history was important.
“Providing innovative and customised collections and services to support our local communities are both commitments we deliver on through the Saving Family Stories initiative,” she said.
“The addition of this equipment to our library collection is a huge asset to the general community and family history enthusiasts in our region.”
More information about Saving Family Stories and library events is available on the Geelong Regional Libraries website.