Bell Park house up in flames

A Bell Park house fire just after 11am this morning prompted a swift response from Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) and Country Fire Authority (CFA).

Callers to Triple Zero reported seeing flames issuing from the single-storey brick property. People were seen in the backyard and neighbours were trying to extinguish the fire with a garden hose.

Six crews arrived on scene in five minutes to find the house fully involved with fire. A FRV HAZMAT unit was requested.

All residents evacuated and have been accounted for. Ambulance Victoria was requested to assess a male patient.

Firefighters with breathing apparatus worked together to extinguish the fire.

The double garage of the property has been severely damaged and is threatening to collapse. A neighbouring property has also sustained minor damage.

The fire was bought under control at 11.46AM.

Victoria Police are on scene and a building surveyor has been requested.