City of Greater Geelong Council is asking for community engagement on dog control orders on council-managed land.
The council’s Dogs in Public Places Policy outlines various dog control orders across Geelong, including where dogs are permitted and where they are allowed to exercise on or off lead, and is due for its four-yearly review this year.
By gaining feedback from the community the council hopes to gain insight on the effectiveness of dog orders and improve how and where those orders take effect.
Mayor Peter Murrihy, who also chairs the leisure and recreation portfolio, said the review was an important part of the Domestic Animal Management Plan the council would implement over the next four years.
“We want to create safe, shared spaces for all different types of recreational and social users,” he said.
“Our dog control orders are in place to help our pets socialise and exercise while balancing the needs of dog owners, non-dog owners, the environment and our wildlife.”
The council invited residents to visit leave feedback at yoursay.geelongaustralia.com.au/dogorders between now and August 14 to help shape the policy.
City officers will also be available at a series of drop-in sessions to answer questions and record community feedback regarding the dog orders, the first of which was held in Portarlington on Saturday.
Future sessions will be held in Geelong West and Grovedale over the next month, and officers will also be visiting a range of reserves and trails to seek out the opinions of those who use those spaces.
“Whether you own a dog or not, we encourage you to tell us what you think works well, what needs improving and what we can do to achieve positive outcomes for all,” Cr Murrihy said.
“Your feedback will be used to help amend and improve specific dog orders and refine the locations in which they are applied.”
Drop-in session details will be held on Saturday, July 30, from 2pm to 5pm, at Geelong West Town Hall Supper Room, 153 Pakington Street, Geelong West and Tuesday, August 9, from 4.30pm to 6.30pm, at Grovedale United Services Memorial Hall, 2a Reserve Road, Grovedale.