The Big Red Kidney Bus has come to Torquay to provide a free dialysis service to people, creating an opportunity for patients to travel safely.
Kidney Health Australia’s bus arrived with Monash Health dialysis nurses for the fourth time at the Torquay Foreshore Caravan Park on Monday, July 15, and would stay there until August 10.
Allan Kidston had one kidney removed close to four years ago after doctors suspected he had cancer, which instead turned into a kidney disease diagnosis.
Mr Kidston used the bus for the seventh time on Wednesday, July 17, travelling from his home at a retirement village north of Melbourne to Torquay.
“Both kidneys weren’t working and now I only have one kidney operating, well not really operating, under dialysis,” he said.
“I encourage everyone to use it (the bus) because if they don’t, we may lose it… The nurses that man the bus are very dedicated and experienced, and friendly with everyone who uses the service.”
There were 1652 people diagnosed with chronic kidney disease in the Corio electorate last year according to data from Kidney Health Australia.
General manager of community Maria O’Sullivan said the service allowed people receiving treatment in a clinic to travel to other parts of the country.
“They’re usually needing treatment three days a week for about five hours at a time every other day, so it really prevents them from travelling any great distance,” she said.
“It’s (the bus) staffed by highly trained renal nurses, and patients are getting the same level of care and support on the bus as they would in their own dialysis unit.”
People living with kidney disease can contact Kidney Health Australia on 1800 454 353 or visit kidney.org.au/bus for more information and to book the bus service.